This page is dedicated to those who fly our gear and kick ass! By 'kicking ass' we mean completing a race with either a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place finish. We will continually blast this page out on social media to keep your "name in lights", and let the community know exactly how much of a bad ass you are. From time to time we will run product giveaways for pilots on this page. Prizes will be awarded both randomly and based on pilot performance, meaning your participation is all you need for a chance to win cool gear. Stay tuned for more info!

You must meet the following requirements to post on this page: 

1) The frame used must be Catalyst brand. Any of our frames are eligible. 

2) You must place 1st, 2nd, or 3rd in the race you choose to post on this page. 

3) We will allow for backdated race results. In other words, if you won a race back in 2016 using a SuperLight 4R and want to post results you can!

4) You can post here as many times as you like. 

5) Both Catalyst customer pilots and team pilots can post on this page. 

6) Only customers will be eligible for prizes from our product giveaways. Not team pilots. 

7) To post on this page email us at the following info: 

  • Your pilot 'FPV' name (example: Thottle Junkie FPV)
  • Your real name (first and last)
  • Date of the race
  • Location of the race (City, state, country, etc) 
  • Name of the race (if no "official" name exists, give it a name that make sense, 'Htown FPV local club race'...for instance) 
  • Catalyst frame used 
  • How you placed (1st, 2nd, or 3rd) 


The prize for the month of October is a Merica 4" frame. The drawing will be held at the end of the month. Each pilot on the list will be assigned a number. We will use a random number drawing program to randomly select the winner of the frame. We will record the drawing and post the video online when we make the announcement of who won. You have week left to get on this list!